Santa Barbara/Puerto Vallarta Sister City Committee contributes to Social & Economic Impact in our sister city of Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

Funds for social and economic impact projects that the Santa Barbara / Puerto Vallarta Sister City Committee sends to Puerto Vallarta take advantage of Mexico’s Federal Government “Tres por Uno” (“Three for One” or 3×1) program.


This is a great way to maximize the impact of funds we send, for example if we send $1,000 the “Tres por Uno” program turns it into $4,000. This is a productive investment that makes a big difference.

The Health Clinic in Puerto Vallarta’s community of Boca de Tomatlan is a recently completed 3×1 project sponsored in part by the SB/PV Sister City Committee.

Under consideration for the 2016 year is a building that will house a cooperative sewing business providing employment to low-income mothers in the Puerto Vallarta community of Los Volcanes.

SB/PV Sister City appreciates the generous donation of its members and alliances like Rotary Clubs in both SB and PV. Their donations are tripled in the 3×1 program. It’s a good way for people to contribute for positive social and economic impact in Puerto Vallarta.

Mexico’s 3×1 program was created to harness the economic power of clubs or federations and US Sister Cities committed to helping their hometowns or Sister Cities in Mexico.

SEDESOL, the Ministry of Social Development is the federal agency in Mexico that administers the program, along with state and municipal governments which match every peso sent by migrants or Sister Cities – hence the program name “Three for One.” Total remittances from U.S. clubs and sister cities to Mexico through October 2015 totaled $20.69 billion USD, an increase of nearly 5.4% over 2014, according to data from the Bank of Mexico.  As you can see, we are part of a larger network, doing our small part by participating in the “Tres por Uno” Mexico program.



SoCal Sister Cities Members (left to right): Don Goertz, Connie Goertz, Marti Garcia, Gil Garcia