Bucheon designated as UNESCO Creative City for Literature

The Bakersfield Sister City Project Corporation is excited to announce that their sister city of Bucheon, South Korea has been designated as a UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) Creative City for Literature. Bucheon is the first city in Asia to receive this designation. Bakersfield and Bucheon have been sister cities since 2006.

Bucheon is located between Seoul and Inchon and has become a leader in the high-tech industry. In addition, Bucheon has become an important cultural center with three universities, several libraries, countless beautiful parks, a modern stadium, theaters, and many museums, including the Cartoon Museum and Ains World. Each year, Bucheon is the site of wonderful festivals, including PIFAN, PISAF, the Boksagol Festival, and both peach and Cherry Blossom Festivals. In 2008, the city hosted its first Bucheon World Intangible Cultural Heritage Expo—a showcase for traditional culture.

Click here to learn details about the UNESCO award.
