Los Angeles Nagoya Sister City Affiliation 2017 New Year’s Luncheon

The Los Angeles Nagoya Sister City Affiliation (LANSCA) held its annual new year’s luncheon on Saturday, February 18th, 2017 at the Miyako Hybrid Hotel in Torrance, California. Close to 100 people were in attendance for presentations by LANSCA Chairwoman Teruko Weinberg, Japan Deputy Consul General Kazutoshi Hayashi, and Student Exchange Program Students Brandon Nekookar and Alexandra Russell, as well as traditional Japanese dance performances by Sandy Akemi Sugiura and Albert Lien. The event concluded with all participants dancing for Maruhachi Ondo led by Imoto Hoshungyu. A fundraising raffle was held for the student exchange program with matching funds contributed by Toyota.

LANSCA Chair Teruko Weinberg


Japan Deputy Consul General Kazutoshi Hayashi
LANSCA Vice-Chair and SoCal Sister Cities President Dr. Anthony Al-Jamie with LANSCA Student Exchange Program Students Brandon Nekookar and Alexandra Russell
Sandy Akemi Sugiura performing a Japanese dance entitled “Kisho ni koishite”
Albert Lien performing a Japanese dance entitled “Tokugawa Iyeyasu”
Maruhachi Ondo led by Imoto Hoshungyu (Shihan)

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